Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eye Stayed Home

So what this saturday consisted of:

Waking up, Jester'Z class, work, making dinner, sitting at home with Gavin while EVERYONE ELSE in the family went out on a Saturday night. What is the problem?


Why am I the one at home when I'm 18? (almost 19...) Isn't college life supposed to be all fun and exciting and junk? I guess my life is sometimes. But there are definitely times when I'm just tired and sitting at home. Weird. Mace is at a party. Kody's at a corn maze. Mom and Dad went to a stand up comedy show. Dallin was at night games. So I drew this

Eye Call It

I guess my night was productive after all. And drawing is edifying. So I win.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw that thing sitting on the fireplace, I was like "WHOA." It's awesome.
