Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Si Si Si Si

You know what's annoying? The doctor's office, that's what. I hate going there because it smells like smoke and old people and smokey old people and I don't want to sit in the chairs because I feel like all the germs that ever existed will crawl on me and ban together to kill me. And more than that, they have had to take my blood the last two times. (I've only been twice in the last, like 8 years, but those two times have been in the last two months.) And today we're gonna make it a third. I know, let's throw a party. Ehem, sarcasm. Sorry for the pessimism, bloggy, but sometimes I just gotta type out all my frustrations. So that's what today has in store for me. A smelly germified office full of people who... hey. I just had an "OMGOSH" moment. So my body is feeling like junk lately, all the time. I ache and just want to sleep. And so I'm going to an office full of people who.. are JUST LIKE ME! I can talk to the old people and say, "Hello, whippersnapper! Boy, what I wouldn't give to be your age!" Except, that doesn't make any sense. Maybe it'll get a few laughs though.. or a few stares...

NEWWWWW topic!
I just realized that maybe one of my people who are over me at ASU (administrators?) might read my last post sometime and say, HEY, WHO DOES THAT UNGRATEFUL LITTLE WOOORRM THINK SHE IS?! and so I must recant some of what I said. I still am sort of lamenting BYU and it's green trees, but ASU will be good. It's a great school, from what I hear. And it's internet site is extremely easier to navigate. Bing bing, we have a winner. Kind of. If I keep telling myself this, it'll become a reality. Yay psychology. ANYWAY, I think I'm going to go watch a movie. hip hip.


  1. Dear Lynzi,
    You make me smile.
    Love, Annie :D

  2. I've gotten my blood drawn four times! Coming up five this don't be complaining missy! Just kidding. Its stinks, huh? Oh well. I barely get a bruise healed then they do it all over again! :| ugh! Anyway, cool blog!
