Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The unthinkable has happened.

I... deactivated my facebook account.

SUPER GASP!!!!??!!? And I feel like I don't exist anymore. People won't be able to get a hold of me, I'll be a social outcast forever!! AHG WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?

I keep thinking of things I'd like to put as my status, but now I can't. Weird. So you may see a bunch of "status-like" blog posts. Just so I can get them out of my system. Coping methods. Agh.


  1. wow. you of all people??! I am honestly shocked. But, you will have a million more hours in the day for real! My computer broke and it is almost like a blessing... but I get so bored. Oh well, I hope all is well in Mesa... Miss you!

  2. Well, then people will just have to start reading your blog more!
