Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Next Blog>>"

I just discovered this button that shoots you to another person's blog. JUST SOME RANDOM PERSON'S BLOG!! It was the weirdest thing. I clicked it, and it took me to a blog where the last post was a picture of an ultrasound. Next. List of things this lady did that entire day. Listed hourly. They were mom things. Next. A blog named Cookies for Breakfast. Again about a mom. WHERE ARE ALL THE COOL BLOGGERS THAT DON'T BLOG ABOUT MOM THINGS!>?! on facebook, that's where. Speaking of which, I am still offa that thing. I dunno, I feel like I need to get back on so I can have all my pictures and stuff. I miss those pictures. But I feel like I'd be letting the whole world down if I got back on.
Oh and another thing.
RANDOM SAUCE- I promised myself I'd never do this, but lookit this guy.
See how I'm hugging him? That's how much I like him. I always thought I wouldn't blog about guys because then we'd just break up and then it'd be all awkward that I had posted something about him...
Kinda the same *ehhh* feeling about changing a relationship status on the big FB. It's easier to just be all like... nonchalant about it. However.
whatintheworldilovethewaywearetogether. I love spending time with him. But guess what he's at BYU and I am definitely not there. SO.

Well I dunno. But sometimes I feel like it's way too hard and I can't deal with the crazy of the whole thing and then sometimes I just embrace it and love it and really embrace and love every second I get with him.
What's really funny, though, is that he might be all like, "why did you blog about me?" But he'll never see this so no worries. :)
For once I didn't open my eyes all the way and he did.
but I love this crazy guy.


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