Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Final Countdown

I realized something today while I was sitting on the toilet in my Japanese aunt's house.

Ending things isn't really the end of things.

As long as I'm still living, things don't end. (And even, the gospel tells us otherwise :))
What I mean, is, that life is life. I might be living at home, I might be moving into an apartment tomorrow at 10. (AHHHHHHHH!!!!! LESS THAN 12 HOURSSSS!! :D) I might be a junior in high school, I might be a sophomore in college. Things change, but they don't necessarily end.

Let's see if I can explain this better. ....
Maybe I can't.

This is what I get for thinking while sitting on the toilet. Not much time to marinate on ideas. Anyway.


It's been soooo weird because it hasn't really hit me yet. I think I've been suppressing my excitement while I'm around everyone I am leaving behind. But now... I'm staying at my aunt and uncles house, with all my life packed away in the back of our suburban. I'm gonna go to sleep, wake up, and drive over there. Ah. Oh man.
What is this feeling. (cue Wicked soundtrack.)

Really I'm just like deering in the headlights.

Battery is low cuz the rents have been using my comp like allll day. :) Gotta love them.

I love them.

:( :) :? I dunno. The end.

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