Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Big "FB"

What makes facebook so appealing? Why is that the first place I go to when I am slightly bored? Why don't I watch TV anymore? It's because facebook is there. Facebook is waiting. And facebook will get you.

The thing that is most convenient about facebook, or FB, is that, ok, well, there's two most convenient things. One is that it is the easiest way to keep in touch with people you don't really care about. Or the people that you wouldn't care about if FB didn't exist, but now you do seem to care about them because you have access to them. You talk to the people you would never talk to again just because you can. Just because you only have 1,265 friends and can't risk losing one.

The second most convenient aspect of the FB is that pictures are EVERYWHERE! and while this can be a danger, because of internet stalkers (which we all have become, inadvertently. If I said, "raise your hand if you've ever FB stalked someone in your lifetime as a FB user" EVERYONE would raise their hand.) so while the multitudes of pictures can be a danger, it is still the best thing since the birthday list on the right hand side of the page. TAG ME! easy. done. now your picture, is my picture, and his picture, and Mr. Jenkin's picture, and Chelsea's picture, and well, you get the picture.

But FB is a big, fat, loveable waste of time. Kinda like Barney. It's a huge love-hate relationship that everyone has. It's a pleasurable plague. It's a delicious dilemma. It's a cuddly curse. We've got to get out. But we never will. So we shouldn't bother with trying to stay away. This summer, if it is anything like the last, is going to keep me at my computer way too often. On FB. But the dumb thing is that it's not worth getting on if there are only 36 "Most Recent" posts. and if you have no friend requests or notifications, you might as well be watching Barney. FB is exciting, only because there's the suspense of, who's gonna tag me next? Who will be the next loser to succumb to getting a FB account and adding me as a friend? Who wants to wish me a happy birthday? Who's on chat? Who's getting married to whom? Heaven forbid that I should go without knowing all this stuff. All this stuff that really has no affect on my non-cyber life. All this stuff that is just that, stuff. And I'm not bashing it, cuz I can't live without it, just like you can't live without it.

And we can say "Oh, I could cancel my FB account right now and not even care." But once you're in, you're in. Your days become full of, "What's happening on FB while I'm not there? Who's marrying whom? Does Jason have a better farm than me now that I've been gone for 15 hours?"
So there it is, and here we are. I'm blogging this, because I told myself I wasn't getting on FB tonight. But, if my will is as weak as I feel it is (because I want to see if anyone commented on my status) I will be on there for at least five minutes before I go to sleep.
Oh Mighty Creators of Facebook, what have you done?

1 comment:

  1. I was only able to find your blog through FB, and it's pulled up on another tab as I am reading this. You are spot on in everything you said.
