Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name...

We're watching the Spain/Poland futbol soccer game and I asked,
"Why do we call countries by names other than the ones they call themselves?"
We call Espana, "Spain" but its not Spain. It's Espana. (sorry for the incorrect "N" but i can't do the legit one on my keyboard.)
Why does the world think they can change the names of the countries that aren't theirs? Because you take away their identity if you label them as something other than they are. We are the United States. Not "Etats Unis" I don't know, I just think it's weird. Why can't we all just accept each other's names? Why can't we just use all the correct names? Because they are who they are.  I'm not just going to change my foreign exchange student's name to George because his real name is Hor-hey. I'll call him "Hor-hey." or Jorge. I call him what his people call him, because that's his name. I think it's high time we call up Janet Neopolitan Ice Cream and ask her to do something about this grievous mistake that every one is making.


  1. I like ice cream. But not Napoliit--I mean...THAT kind of ice cream.

  2. youu have a blog??
    i'm a follower.
    a deffinitely definite follower

  3. WEIRD.
    I thought the EXACT same thing when I was watching a World Cup game too (don't remember which one)! I was discussing it with my brother but we couldn't figure out exactly why. BUT we did find this neat little game about it! Try it and see how well you do. We thought we did fairly well but some we never would've guessed, haha. http://www.sporcle.com/games/exonymcountries.php
    (Btw, this is Stacey Smith, dunno if you remember me. c: )
